So, now that the holidays are coming, I’ve got my fall themed candles burning.
This one in particular! It makes my room smell nice as I walk in.
Autumn probably has to be my favorite season.
I love driving down the Turnpike and 295 (lol) and seeing all the beautiful colors of trees surrounding me. I wish I could just take a picture, however that would be dangerous as I am driving. It’s things like that that really make me glad to live in New Jersey. On my trips to Vegas and San Francisco, I noticed a lack of foliage. It kind of bothered me, because I am coming from the “Garden State.”
That reminds me of something I wanted to bring up! Wahoo! Okay, does anyone plant their own vegetables? Because growing up, I was always outside helping my dad in the garden. We have a semi large garden, with zucchini, peppers, strawberries, asparagus and many others. I always thought it was a normal thing, but turns out not a lot of people do it. And I think it’s awesome. I think its great! And most of the time, the vegetables taste way better.
Anyway, I do have a recipe for today. And I just wanted to make something clear here. I don’t go online and find recipes to post on my blog. I have nothing against that, but, what I am really doing here is posting my own recipes. I open up my fridge/pantry and I throw my own things together. Unless I otherwise mention that I got the recipe somewhere else, please know that these are my own original recipes!
Now, this one I honestly just opened up the freezer/fridge and pantry and put it together. This recipe could be online somewhere but I didn’t go looking for one.
Wait you know what? I think I want to include a picture with this post. So I am going to hold off on the recipe til when I can post the exact recipe with an original picture, (finally!) Okay, so sorry to leave you hanging. Butttt see ya Friday!