What about diabetic vegetarians?!
I read some interesting information yesterday about how switching to a vegetarian diet could benefit a person with diabetes.
I was skeptical, until I looked at the facts! Check it out yourself: Vegetarian diet helps diabetes.
Now it won’t cure it, let’s get that straight, but it can help!
“…such as helping to better control your weight, reducing your risk of some diabetes-associated complications
and possibly even making your body more responsive to insulin.”
It also improves blood sugar control and insulin response. Eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and nuts
— features of a vegetarian diet — can improve blood sugar control and make your body more responsive to insulin.
This may mean taking less medication and lowering your risk of diabetes-related complications.
Is it safe for someone with diabetes to follow a vegetarian diet?
Yes! A vegetarian diet is a healthy option, even if you have diabetes. Research supports that following this type of diet can help prevent and manage diabetes.
In fact, research on vegan diets has found that carb and calorie restrictions were not necessary and still promoted weight loss and lowered participants’ A1C.
Vegetarian diets are naturally higher in fiber, much lower in saturated fat, and cholesterol-free when compared to a traditional American diet.
he high fiber in this diet may help you feel full for a longer time after eating and may help you eat less over all.
When fiber intake is greater than 50 grams per day on a vegan diet, it may help lower blood glucose levels.
So when planning meals for vegetarians and diabetics, keep many things in mind!
For desserts: don’t use jello, it’s not vegetarian, even if it’s sugar free. You won’t please everyone.
Trying to make delicious sugar free dessert for diabetics can be easy, check out some recipes here: Diabetics Healthy Solutions
My grandmother is diabetic, and she needs to watch both her salt and sugar. She sticks to eating lean fish, lots of natural veggies and sodium free products.
Many of these recipes incorporate those types of products!
I’m a vegetarian and for myself this made my health and fitness much better. I dont want to go back again ingesting those meat with lots of harmful transfats that clogs your arteries.